2024年06月22日 05:21:44
But the bacteria can also damage the cell cell
hydrops, membrane structure destruction and cell necrosis.
研究結(jié)果還表明,病菌也會(huì)對(duì)免疫器官產(chǎn)生損害,可造成細(xì)胞水腫, 膜性結(jié)構(gòu)破壞及細(xì)胞壞死.
It'should be differentiated among endolymphatic
hydrops , perilymph fistula , mumps deafness , and otitis media with effusion.
Especially in hearing - handicapped children , endolymphatic
hydrops plays a major causative role in acute hearing loss.
本癥須與內(nèi)淋巴水腫、外淋巴瘺 、 腮腺炎耳聾、及積液性中耳炎等病癥作?別診斷.