2024年07月01日 10:00:28
絲棉制品制造銷售; 干繭及絲副產(chǎn)品 、 板栗 、 油料作物 、 中藥材購銷.
Simian and Simian products manufacturing sales; Dried and silk products, Chinese chestnut, oil - bearing crops, medicines procurement.
勿用洗衣機洗滌絲綢, 少數(shù)
Don't use a washer rinse silk, a handful of silk cotton blend fabric exceptions.
主要從事絲.棉.嘛.毛. 皮.化纖服裝的來(進)料加工業(yè)務.
Its major business is the process og silk, cotton, linen , wool, leather and chemical fibre clothing.