2024年06月05日 16:46:04
噯氣、脘脅脹滿、咽下疼痛、口干口苦等癥狀, 其療效優(yōu)于對照組.
Shu - Gan - Jiang - Ni - Tang can improve more significantly the symptoms such as waterbrash, heartburn andand bitterness than Ranitidine + Motilium.
聽聲音包括: 語聲 、 呼吸 、 咳嗽, 呃逆、
The sounds include speech sound, breathing, coughing , hawking ( clearing the throat noisily ) , and belching.
斯邁利大喊, 這時青蛙打嗝
Smiley shouted, and at that moment the frog belched up a couple of ounces of whiskey.