2024年06月13日 09:59:23
發(fā)辮弄蓬松, 她的頭發(fā)高高隆起, 擺出一付好像貓兒被狗逼在墻角那樣的典型姿態(tài).
Her tail furred out, her hair rose, and she assumed the typical attitude of a cat close - cornered by a dog.
發(fā)辮而秀美 、 的頸項(xiàng)、珠串而華麗.
Your cheeks are beautiful with earrings, your neck with strings of jewels.
歌 1:10 你的兩腮、因
發(fā)辮而秀美 、 你的 頸項(xiàng) 、因珠串而華麗.
" Your cheeks are lovely with ornaments, Your neck with strings of beads. "