2024年04月16日 00:15:02
" You have said quite enough,'said
Aleck, coldly ; " let the subject be dropped. "
“ 你說得夠多了, ” 艾萊柯冷冷地說, “ 咱們別再說這個啦. ”
Aleck forgave him with her eyes.
My advice is to ride it out, make an occasional smart -
aleck quip.
我的意見就是出去旅行, 并時不時地說些自作聰明的俏皮話.
It's wisdom,
Aleck , solid wisdom, and sound as a nut.
艾萊柯,這就叫聰明, 實在聰明, 絕頂聰明.
It was Sally that did it, and
Aleck weakly submitted.
這是薩利提議的, 艾萊柯心一軟就順從了.
Aleck touched turned to fairy gold, and heaped itself glittering toward the firmament.
隨便什么東西,艾萊柯都能點石成金, 金光閃閃的財富越堆越高,直逼天穹.