2024年02月16日 10:10:11
比較喜歡投資的部門: 人類和牲畜
醫(yī)藥品 、 營養(yǎng)品 、 生物醫(yī)藥.
Preferred sectors: Human and Veterinary pharmaceuticals, Nutrition, Biotechnology.
醫(yī)藥品的板條箱 、 沙袋、病床零亂地躺在啤酒廠的生產車間內部.
Medical supply crates, sandbags and hospital beds lie scattered around the industrial interior of the brewery.
圓螺紋取樣器,通過食品行業(yè) 、
Just round threads approved by the standards of hygiene in the food industry, pharmaceuticals and biological.