2024年06月18日 02:55:42
Mel turned around and looked at me.
Jeff: Hi
Mel! I brought you a bottle of plonk.
杰夫: 嗨,梅勒妮! 我給你帶來了一瓶酒.
Mel was conscious, as at other times, of her desirability and warmth.
梅爾像往常一樣, 感到她的希求和溫情.
Mel: Don't tell me those brain - dead lowlifes are calling me again.
梅爾: 別告訴我那些沒大腦的下等人又給我打電話.
Like others,
Mel was first stunned, then later wept.
同其他人一樣, 梅爾先是不知所措, 接著就哭了起來.
After a moment's break ,
Mel interjected.
在短暫的沉默之后, 梅爾插了進來.