2024年07月08日 02:33:06
Calculates by any two of wattage, voltage, amperage.
計算任何兩個功率, 電壓, 安培.
Using train images, it
calculates Eigen values and Eigen vectors with sorting.
利用列車的圖像, 計算特征值和特征向量排序.
Aiguille , friendly friend , Jin Zhizhu is time report
calculates country's biggest money software business.
尖峰、友友 、 金之柱是當(dāng)時國內(nèi)最大的財會電算軟件商.
Accountant report
calculates changing is the computer technology application in accounting work.
In order to conceive, she always
calculates her ovulation times carefully.
為了懷上孩子, 她經(jīng)常細心計算自己的排卵期.
However, after the performance starts, the stage effect also
calculates can pass.
不過, 演出開始后, 舞臺效果還算過得去.
What can there be to adumbrate before occurrence schizophrenia, the depressed disease that how
出現(xiàn)精神分裂癥之前會有什么預(yù)兆, 怎樣算的抑郁癥?