2024年06月21日 03:29:05
It was this constant urging, coupled with
irascibility and energy, for three long hours.
他就這樣不斷地督促著, 加上脾氣暴躁和精力充沛, 過了長長的3個鐘頭.
Cold colors are applicable to dysphoria,
irascibility, terror and fear as well as mania, epilepsy, etc.
適用于煩躁易怒 、 失眠驚恐諸證以及狂證 、 癲證等.
Is assembly initiation part unsuitable for
Wu Sun - fu's
irascibility appeared to have abated somewhat , for his frown disappeared.
吳蓀 甫 眉毛一挺, 心頭的焦躁好像減輕了些微.