2024年06月17日 07:04:39
Apartness, sometimes is not
callosity, but a way to keep from hurting.
冷漠, 有時候并不是無情, 只是一種避免被傷害的工具.
However, amorous always be hurt by
callosity, ideal is not an illusion all.
然而, 多情總被無情傷, 理想畢竟不是幻想.
Saw your reality, pouring into apartness of
callosity, concealing in the unanimated eyes inhabiting the senseless.
看見你的現(xiàn)實, 傾瀉于無情的冷漠, 掩藏在無瞳的雙眼,占據(jù)著無謂的靈魂.