2024年06月24日 21:31:59
The research progress in the mimicking of carbonic an hydrase,
hydrolase and redox enzyme is reviewed.
綜述了環(huán)糊精金屬配合物用作模擬碳酸酐酶 、 水解酶、氧化還原酶的研究進(jìn)展.
Under optimization conditions, the vires of bile salt
hydrolase was enhanced to 7.4 times.
在優(yōu)化條件下, 膽鹽水解酶活力是優(yōu)化前的7.4倍.
Progresses in research work of epoxide
hydrolase were briefly introduced.
The immobilization of Bacillus megaterium ECU 1001 epoxide
hydrolase was investigated.