2024年06月16日 15:01:33
The great concourse of people seemed to have been
similarly impressed.
Experts wonder why the US government is not taking
similarly strong actions against AIDS in this country...
Plants must be covered with a leaf-mould or
similarly protected if frost threatens.
Similarly charged colloidal particles cannot come close enough together to agglomerate into larger particles.
Most of the men who now gathered round him again were
similarly dressed.
Other targets, as lopping 10 per cent off the cost base in 2009, are
similarly ambitious.
公司的其它目標, 如2009年削減10%的成本基礎, 也同樣富有挑戰(zhàn)性.
Similarly, disgust is going to stop you biting into a mouldering pile of rotten food.
類似地, 厭惡會阻止你撕咬腐爛的食物.
Similarly, programmers apply self - referential design when they create implementation - model products.
同樣, 當程序員創(chuàng)建基于實現(xiàn)模型的產(chǎn)品時,應用的是自參考設計.
Similarly , using diketene to replace mixed anhydride or acid chloride, intermediate enol 5 may be obtained.
而由混合酸酐或雙烯酮代替酰氯, 中間體也可能是烯酮或烯醇5.
Similarly alcoholics'lives are narrowed and dehumanized by their dependence on alcohol.
Similarly, any pigment nevus that is chronically irritated should be excised.
同樣, 凡是經(jīng)常受慢性刺激的各種色素痣切勿予以切除.
The brothers dress
A mother recognises the feel of her child's skin when blindfolded.
Similarly, she can instantly identify her baby's cry.
For that whole group of citizens whose appeals for assistance have been
similarly and irresponsibly denigrated.
Husband and wife were
similarly successful in their chosen careers.
Few non - Japanese investors own yen cash or bonds, and central bank holdings are
similarly derisory.
很少有外國投資者持有日元現(xiàn)金或債券, 各國央行的持有量也同樣少得可憐.
Similarly Serb Yiwannuoweiqi has also prepared for, replaces bossing tile which is injured in the team.
同樣塞爾維亞人伊萬諾維奇也做好了準備, 頂替在隊受傷的博辛瓦.
Similarly the positively charged proton has a negatively charged antiparticle, the antiproton.
He was late and I
similarly was delayed.
他遲到了, 我也晚了。
The males of many species of insect have
similarly elaborate genitalia.