2024年07月04日 14:37:58
The whisky had been distilled in 1926 and sat quietly
maturing until 1987.
Rather than far - flung acquisitions, it's consolidations that stand out among the
maturing titans of Chinese capitalism.
鞏固產(chǎn)業(yè),而非廣泛的收購, 是新興中國資本巨頭的特點(diǎn).
Bacchus, like so many grapes planted for still wines in England, is an early -
maturing German variety.
Bacchus和英格蘭這么多為無泡葡萄酒種植的葡萄一樣, 是早熟的德國品種.
The whisky had been distilled in 1926 and sat quietly
maturing until 1987...
這種威士忌是在1926年通過蒸餾提取的,爾后靜置到 1987年才釀熟。
The most suitable maize varieties to be grown for silage are the early
maturing types.
A certain risk is involved when cereal grains are
maturing in the field on the stalk.