2024年05月20日 23:20:05
secretion of milk by the
mammary glands
Objective : To study the diagnostic methods of
mammary duct ectasia after operation.
目的: 探討乳腺導管擴張癥的術前診斷方法.
Gynecopathy : Irregular Menstruation, Dysmenorrhea Climacteric Syndrome , Metrorrhagia, Cold in Period, Hyperplasia of
Mammary Glands, Climacteric Syndrome.
婦科病:月經不調 、 痛經、閉經 、 崩漏、經期感冒、乳腺小葉增生 、 更年期綜合癥.
Mammary gland fibroma is taken off not early, influential to the body?
乳腺纖維瘤不早拿掉, 對身體有影響 嗎 ?
Ask: Gravid 7 half moon, sufferred from
mammary gland fibroma, is lactation influential after be opposite?
問: 妊娠7個半月, 患了乳腺纖維瘤, 對以后哺乳是否有影響?
mammary gland hyperplasia to return can breast enhancement?
得了乳腺增生還能豐胸 嗎 ?
mammary glands.
The positive rate of surrounding
mammary adenosis lobular proliferation stage was 33.9 %.
Objective : To investigate the progress of MRI diagnosis in
mammary cancer.
目的: 探討MRI診斷乳腺癌的研究進展.
Objective To investigate the three - dimensional structure of normal and cancerous female
mammary duct and acinus system.