2024年05月05日 01:06:07
For God
sakes , Alvy, even Freud speaks of a latency period!
拜托,艾爾維, 即使弗洛伊德都說有性潛伏期!
For goodness'
sakes, Lucy Marian, speak up! I can't abide children who mumble.
乖乖! 露西?瑪麗安, 講大聲一點! 我最討厭小孩子說話咕咕噥噥的.
Oh, for goodness'
sakes, let's walk over and look out the window.
啊, 千萬千萬, 我們快到那邊去,也好朝窗外看看.
Linda knew that for both their
sakes she must take drastic action.