2024年06月17日 04:06:17
Haka is the
generic term for a traditional dance of the Maori people.
The Latin term " Vulpes " is the
generic name for the various type of fox.
拉丁術語 “ Vulpes ” 是不同種類狐貍的屬名.
Generic term for Microfiche and Microfilm.
微格式: 是微縮菲林和微攝菲林的總稱.
Lambda expressions passed as arguments to the
generic method participate in this type inference process.
Lambda表達式 傳遞參數(shù)到泛型函數(shù),且參與這次類型推斷的過程.
generic California apartments, the kind that have white walls and white drapes and were built five years ago.
The cities that now go by that
generic name are far from Arcadian.
They encourage doctors to prescribe cheaper
generic drugs instead of more expensive brand names.
The Latin term“Vulpes”is the
generic name for the various type of fox.
It pointed , as an example, to the case of "
generic " problems.
例如, 對 “ 一般性的 ” 問題注意不夠.
Broaching Broacher can progress into the surface, or within Broacher portfolio and
generic Broacher Broacher.
拉床還可以進步分為表面拉床 、 內拉床和通用拉床或組合拉床.
Parmesan is a
generic term used to describe a family of hard Italian cheeses.
They encourage doctors to prescribe cheaper
generic drugs instead of more expensive brand names.
You cannot instantiate a
generic or template class based on a local or unnamed type.