2024年06月13日 09:13:22
The principle symptoms was as follows , abnormal menstruation ( 80.9 % ) dysmenorr - hea ( 65.8 % ) ,
sterility ( 19.15 % ) , uterus enlargement ( 74.5 % ) , adherent mass in adnexa ( 12.6 % ) , node of post vaginal fornix ( 4.3 % ).
主要癥狀為月經(jīng)異常、痛經(jīng)、不孕,各占80.9%、 65.8% 和19.5%.子宮增大占 74.5% 、 附件粘連性包塊占 12.6% 、 后穹 隆結(jié)節(jié)占4.3%.
To analyze
sterility by hysterosalpingography ( HSG ).
分析不孕癥碘油子宮 輸卵管 造影 結(jié)果.
Male -
sterility mainly results from the abnormality of mesospore, tapetum tissue and vascular bundle.
中層組織 、 絨氈層組織及藥隔維管束異常均是雄性敗育的因素.
Objective To investigate the correlation of serum PRL, FSH, LH 2 with female
sterility and menoschesis.
目的探討血清催乳激素(PRL) 、 卵泡刺激素(FSH) 和黃體生成素(LH2)與育齡婦女不孕癥及閉經(jīng)之間的關(guān)系.
Adjust the balance of hormone, tone up lust, improve sex fraise and
能平衡荷爾蒙, 增加愛欲及性感, 改善性帳礙、不孕癥.
A major barrier to interspecific hybridization is
sterility in the F 1 progeny.
This disease causes
sterility in both males and females.
Cytoplastic male
sterility ( CMS ) in higher plants is a maternally inherited inability to produce functional pollen.
高等植物中的細(xì)胞質(zhì)雄性不育 ( CMS ) 是一種不能產(chǎn)生功能性花粉的母性遺傳的性狀.