2024年06月22日 03:46:20
Conclusion Myocardial protection with intermittent blood
cardioplegia is clinically safer procedure.
To determine the content of sodium, kalium, magnesium and calcium in liquor of
cardioplegia by HPLC - IPD method.
本文用高效液相色譜間接光度檢測法測定了心臟停搏液中鈉 、 鉀、鈣 、 鎂的含量.
Objective : To evaluate the myocardial protection of changing temperature blood
cardioplegia for heavy valve replacement.
目的: 探討變溫含血停跳液對重癥心臟瓣膜置換的心肌保護作用.
Objective : To investigate the myocardium protection of warm induction and continuous perfusion cold blood
cardioplegia on infants.