2024年06月21日 15:23:29
Hawaiian food made from
taro corm that is cooked, pounded a paste, and fermented.
夏威夷菜,芋頭搗碎成糊狀, 通常允許發(fā)酵.
taro is crop of makings of vivacious herbaceous beans, bulbiform root tuber.
香芋是多年生草本豆料作物, 球狀塊根.
Products: catfish fillet, fresh water fish meat, fish meat products, gingko,
主要產(chǎn)品: 魚回魚片 、 淡水魚糜 、 魚糜制品 、 銀杏肉 、 香荷芋.
Main grain crop has cassava,
taro, corn, banana to wait.
主要糧食作物有木薯 、 芋頭 、 玉米 、 芭蕉等.
This paper reported the industrialized process of canned pork and
taro ( lipo ) and determined the technological parameter.
研究了 荔浦 芋扣肉罐頭工業(yè)化生產(chǎn)的加工工藝,確定了加工參數(shù).
Then will
Taro or Jiro turn against me?