2024年06月25日 15:50:59
Ingredient: Agallochum leaves, wormwood , Herb of Balsamiferou Blumea, carrageenan etc.
成分描述: 沉香葉 、 木香、艾納香 、 卡拉膠等.
Coconut is a basic
ingredient for many curries.
Acetaminophen is the active
ingredient in painkillers such as Tylenol.
Ingredient: Gingko leaf, wolfberry fruit , chrysanthemum extract a - pinene camphor , borneol camphene, etc totally 26 herbal essences.
主要成分: 銀杏葉, 甘杞子, 菊花萃取液等26種植物草本精華.
Ingredient: No other impurities except ALC particles in principle.
產(chǎn)品成分: 除ALC顆粒外無其他雜質(zhì).
Effects of sulfuration metaboly of active
ingredient in food were inquiried by tactic of nutritional genosome.
Ingredient: salt, Kiwifruit extract, Jojoba etc.
主要成份: 海鹽, 奇異果萃取液 、 可可巴等.
OBJECTIVE : To study the influence package on weight and appearance and active
ingredient content of unguent.
目的: 考察包裝對醫(yī)院外用軟膏制劑重量、外觀性狀和有效成分含量的影響.
The active
ingredient is acetylsalicylic acid.
In all the formulas for mold spray, a common
ingredient is water.
在給出的所有脫模劑配方中, 水是共用的拼料.
Ingredient: Licorice Extract, Soothing Factor, Chamomile, Hamamelis, Aloe Extract, Permeating Ion Factor.
主要成份: 甘草液 、 舒緩因子 、 洋甘菊 、 金縷梅 、 蘆薈提取液 、 離子滲透因子.
Ingredient: Hackmatack and mint etc.
主要成份: 杜松、薄荷、水解蛋白、絲氨酸.
OBJECTIVE : To study pharmacological effects of bornyl acetate, the main
ingredient of Amomum villosum volatile oil.
目的: 研究砂仁揮發(fā)油主要成分乙酸龍腦酯的藥理作用.
Ingredient: The
ingredient is very complex, it include nutriments of protein, vitamine, sugar tec.
主要成分: 蜂王漿的成分相當復雜, 含有蛋白質(zhì)、脂肪 、 維生素 、 糖類等多種營養(yǎng)物質(zhì).
Ingredient: Lemon extraction, Uygur B 5, algin.
成份: 檸檬提取物, 維B5, 海藻素.
Ingredient: Tomator, Eggs, Garlic, Green Onion, Salt and Soy Sauce.
用料: 西紅柿, 雞蛋, 蒜, 蔥, 鹽和醬油.
Irene's Curry Puff main
ingredient: potatoes, boiled eggs, ikan billies, spices and curry leaf.
Irene的咖哩松餅主要食材: 薯仔, 水煮蛋, 江魚仔咖哩香料,咖哩葉.
Ingredient: DNA Fluid, Lavender, Hamamelis, Elastic Element, Micro - collagen Protein, Hair Follicle Mollify.
主要成份: DNA原液 、 薰衣草 、 金縷梅 、 彈力素 、 微膠原蛋白 、 毛囊軟化劑.
As a gelata
ingredient in instant noodles it can raise its gluten tenacity and elasticity.
A tragic view of life is thus an uneliminable
ingredient in atheistic thought.