2024年06月13日 17:01:43
刷子狀的尾巴屬于缺陷, 整個無毛或部分
A brush tail is a fault, as is also a partly or wholly hairless tail.
無毛的脖子, 那么長,那么禿, 彎彎的,愚笨的,伸出老遠(yuǎn), 像條失意的瘦龍.
Most pathetic were their hairless neck, so long and clumsy , caning out like scraggy, disconcerted dragons.
在他們有了他們的學(xué)生并且是看護之后, 我們的貧窮母親狗看起來像
After they had their pups and were nursing, our poor mother dogs looked like hairless rats.