2024年06月24日 17:07:08
The rotational levels of the ground
vibrational level may be depopulated by radiation.
The smallest energy transitions are between rotational levels; the next smallest between
vibrational levels.
在轉動能級之間的能量躍遷最小, 其次是振動能級之間的躍遷.
However, heating energizes the
vibrational, rotational, and electronic motions all at once.
但是, 加熱會一下子把振動 、 轉動和電子運動統(tǒng)統(tǒng)加強.
Antisymmetric nonresonant
vibrational Raman scattering of Tetrahydrofuran ( THF ) is experimentally and theoretically studied in this paper.
研究了四氫呋喃 ( THF ) 非共振拉曼光譜中反對稱散射的貢獻.