2024年04月30日 01:34:31
Pyrite is more abundant and cobaltiferous and occurs in heavy patches in the sulfide mass.
At pegmatite contacts the composition changes to chalcopyrite, millerite,
pyrite, and accompanied by magnetite and hematite.
在偉晶巖接觸帶,硫化物成分變?yōu)辄S銅礦 、 針鎳礦 、 黃鐵礦及硫鎳鐵礦, 伴生有磁鐵礦和赤鐵礦.
Associated minerals are mainly magnetite and ilmenite, subordinately
pyrite and rarely chalcopyrite.
主要伴生礦物為磁鐵礦、鈦鐵礦, 少量黃鐵礦和微量黃銅礦.
The main gold bearing minerals include arsenopyrite, pyrrhotine,
pyrite, galena and sphalerite.
金礦的主要載金礦物分別為:毒砂 、 磁黃鐵礦 、 黃鐵礦 、 方鉛礦和閃鋅礦.
Nature Gold is hosted in that as fissures ? interstice ? margin and crystal face of the
自然金常賦存于 黃鐵礦 顆粒的裂隙、晶隙、邊緣及晶面上.
The sulfide assemlage consists largely of pyrrhotite, pentlandite, chalcopyrite, and
硫化物集體大部由磁黃鐵礦 、 鎳黃鐵礦 、 黃銅礦及黃鐵礦組成.