2024年04月18日 18:46:09
The maybes ( still very good for
allround healing, but it won't dramatically increase efficiency )
可出可不出的 ( 對治療來說不錯, 但不會有顯著提升 )
Happy birthday to an attractive, intellectual, sophisticated and
allround splendid person.
祝福一位美麗迷人 、 聰明大方 、 成熟端莊,又倍受贊嘆的妙人兒,生日快樂.
With the compounding of polyether glycol and triol, the foam sealant can get good
allround properties.
聚醚二醇和聚醚三醇復配使用, 可制得綜合性能良好的單組分聚氨酯泡沫膠體系.
ABS resin is a kind of thermoplastic resin with excellent
allround properties.