2024年06月13日 07:37:46
The onset of this disease may resemble the prodromal period of
icteric hepatitis.
Is acute
icteric model is hepatitis serious? How long does cure want?
急性黃疸型肝炎嚴重 嗎 ?治療要多久?
Clinical process divides typical armour hepatitis a phase: is preclinical, prodrome period, is
icteric period, convalescence.
典型的甲型肝炎臨床過程分四個階段: 潛伏期, 前驅癥狀期, 黃疸期, 恢復期.
Terminal can have hepatomegaly,
icteric, bloated, ascites.
晚期可有肝腫大 、 黃疸 、 浮腫 、 腹水.