2024年06月18日 14:49:10
We live in dread not only of unpleasant insects like spiders or
wasps, but of quite harmless ones like moths.
我們不僅生活在對象蜘蛛或黃蜂這樣的小蟲的懼怕中, 而且生活在對諸如飛蛾這樣無害昆蟲的懼怕中
Bees and
wasps both sting, but they have other similarities too.
蜜蜂和黃蜂都螫人, 但它們還有其他相似之處.
There’s a
wasps’ nest in that old tree.
...this year's annual invasion of flies,
wasps and ants...
Dragonflies and damselflies are also common, as are
wasps and metallic - coloured beetles.
其他常見的昆蟲計有蜻蜓、豆娘 、 黃蜂和有金屬色澤的甲蟲等.
We are always plagued by
wasps in autumn.