
  • 通常地”造句

    耶, 有一些人像通常地享受著他們的夜晚.Yeah, there are some guys are enjoying his evening as usually.從而, 甘尼薩通常地被看成是擁有四臂,象征著他們的神性.Hence, Ganesha figures are most commonly seen with four hands which signify their divinity.鄉(xiāng)親們通常地都會點頭同意,并且詢問他們...
  • 通常的”的拼音?

  • 通常”的近義詞/同義詞有哪些

    “通?!钡慕x詞/同義詞:一般, 每每, 經(jīng)常, 常常, 時時, 往往, 一樣, 平常, 日常, 平常, 平日, 平凡, 平淡, 普通, 尋常, 凡是, 大凡, 通俗, 廣泛, 平時。...
  • 通常的”造句

    與通常的看法相反,適度的運動事實上會降低食欲。Contrary to popular belief, moderate exercise actually decreases your appetite.他們遵循通常的程序.They followed the usual procedure.通常的建筑材料是木材.The usual fabric was timber....
  • 通常”的拼音?

    “通?!钡钠匆魹椋簍ōng cháng...
  • 通常地”用英語怎么說

  • 通常的”的英語

    “通常的”的英語可以翻譯為:average,common,[經(jīng)] customary,ordinary,accustomed ...
  • 通常”用英語怎么說

    “通?!钡挠⒄Z可以翻譯為:usually,in general,customarily,ordinarily...