但是也可能這是一條氰化物解毒的途徑.It may, however, serve as a mechanism for cyanide detoxification.白蛋白是具黏性 、 膠質(zhì)性的物質(zhì), 對重金屬中毒具有解毒的功效.Albumin is a stickiness, gelatinous nature of the material, the effectiveness of metal poisoning have det...
他服了對付那種毒物的解毒劑.He took an antidote for the poison.消滅一種生物制劑能像喝有胡椒味的解毒劑那么簡單 嗎 ?Could killing a biological agent be as simple as drinking a peppermint - flavored antidote?治療辦法有用解毒劑,它會與組織中的鉛結(jié)合而把它驅(qū)逐出去.Treatment involves giving...
“解毒”的拼音為:jiě dú...
“解毒劑”的英語可以翻譯為:antidote,[化] antitoxic,toxicide ...
我們的解毒食譜將會讓您容光煥發(fā)。Give yourself a healthy glow on our detox diet.海藻浴有助于身體解毒。Seaweed baths can help to detoxify the body.蜂蜜能幫助身體解毒。Honey can help to detox the body....
這種解毒藥有那么強(qiáng),能驅(qū)散毒素 嗎 ?Is that antidote strong enough to expel the poison?立即給他洗胃,然后給他解毒藥.Give him a gastric lavage immediatly and then give him the antidote.你有治療毒蛇咬傷的解毒藥嗎?A medicinal compound formerly used as an antidote for...
“解毒”的英語可以翻譯為:[醫(yī)]detoxify,detoxicate,[中醫(yī)]relieve internal heat or fever,disintoxication,detoxifcation ...
“解毒的”的英語可以翻譯為:alexipharmic,antidotal,[醫(yī)] alexeteric,alexipharmac ...
“解毒藥”的英語可以翻譯為:alexipharmic,[化] antidote,toxicide,toxicides ...