“花名”的英語可以翻譯為: names,the name of a whore ...
“花名冊”的英語可以翻譯為:oster,register (of names),membership roster,muster roll,muster ...
“花名冊”的拼音為:huā míng cè...
老師查看花名冊,想了解今年要教的學生.The teacher checked the roster to see whom he would teach this year.我們已經掌握每個人的兒子的花名冊.We do have a list of each man's sons.在花名冊上,我仍是杰魯莎.I'm still " Jerusha " in the catalogue....
那孩子能說出花園里所有的花名.The child can name all the flowers in the garden.她舉出花園所有的花名.She mentioned all the flowers in the garden.的信息即將來臨并且過去的比賽, 行動圖畫, 當前的花名同, 和一校友頁.Information on upcoming and past tourneys, action pictures, curre...