“繁重”的反義詞:輕松, 輕巧, 簡便, 輕易, 輕微, 輕便, 輕省。...
“繁重的”的英語可以翻譯為:onerous,taxing,weighty,burdensome,heavy ...
“繁重”的拼音為:fán zhòng...
“繁重”的英語可以翻譯為:heavy,strenuous,onerous,difficult ...
我想我得到的這份工作是其中最繁重的工作之一。I think I've got one of the most stressful jobs there is.斯托克斯先生可以預(yù)見下一周會被枯燥繁重的宣傳工作搞得焦頭爛額。Mr Stocks can expect a gruelling week on the publicity treadmill.他說繁重的工作負(fù)荷是導(dǎo)致他累垮的原因。He cited his heavy wo...
“繁重”的近義詞/同義詞:沉重, 深重, 艱難, 艱苦, 艱巨。...
我想我得到的這份工作是其中最繁重的工作之一。I think I've got one of the most stressful jobs there is.我非常清楚員工們工作繁重。I am painfully aware that staff have a heavy work schedule.斯托克斯先生可以預(yù)見下一周會被枯燥繁重的宣傳工作搞得焦頭爛額。Mr Stocks can expect a gruelling ...