“流速計”的英語可以翻譯為:tachometer,[化] currentmeter,hydrodynamometer,kinemometer ...
“流速”的拼音為:liú sù...
河水在平坦的河床上減慢了流速.The river slows on the flat bottom.緩慢的流速足以防止還原劑的散失.A low rate is enough to prevent flushing of reductants.進口的流速不等于河水流速.The velocity in the intake is not equal to the stream velocity....
“流速”的英語可以翻譯為:[機] velocity of flow,strength,[水] current velocity,current speed ...
通常所發(fā)現(xiàn)的這種損壞是由于應(yīng)用流速計不當造成的, 尤其是使用合成材料隔板.Such damage is usually found to have been caused by hydrometer misuse, especially with synthetic separators....