馬爾科姆單打獨干,但我對他的能力絲毫不懷疑。Malcolm works in isolation but I have no doubts about his abilities.交通堵塞絲毫不見緩解,街道被堵得水泄不通。The streets are wedged solid with near-constant traffic gridlock.她絲毫不做作,很討人喜愛。She is endearingly free of pret...
“毫不”的英語可以翻譯為:not in the least,not at all,no,nohow,none ...
“我告訴過你普雷斯克毫不知情的,”肯普頗為不耐煩地說道。"I told you Preskel had no idea," remarked Kemp with some asperity.迪肯毫不掩飾自己對貝爾頓的憎惡。Deacon made no secret of his loathing of Bayldon.穆拉特毫不退縮地直視著執(zhí)行槍決的行刑隊員們的眼睛。Murat had looked into the eyes of t...
“毫不”的拼音為:háo bù...