那僅是某人的個人意見, 咱們不必把它寫進文件里.That's only someone's personal opinion, and we don't have to write it into the document.可能是某人正在搞破壞!Someone could be eavesdropping on you right now ( man - in - the - middle attack )...
在某人已經進入流狀態(tài)之后,需要一些努力才能打斷.It takes some effort to break into flow after someone has achieved it.當慈悲在某人身上發(fā)生, 數(shù)百萬人就會恢復健康.And when compassion happens to one person, millions are healed.義務:加在某人身上的責任 、 承諾或別的義務.A duty, a promise...
“某人”的英語可以翻譯為:a certain person,somebody,someone,thingamy,thingumajig ...
給某人打針to give sb an injection給某人舉行臨終圣事to administer the last rites to sb每周拿那么多錢給某人來殺死你們 嗎 ?Would you give somebody that much money each week to kill you?...
與某人口角to have a tiff with sb如果你知道將要與某人接吻, 則盡量避免嘴唇出現(xiàn)裂痕.If you know you'll be kissing, try to avoid getting chapped lips.你怎樣才能中止與某人的愛情?How can you make yourself fall out of love with someone?...
“某人”的拼音為:mǒu rén...
最美好的事,是看到某人的微笑;更美好的事,是TA因你而微笑。The most beautiful thing is to see a person smiling. And even more beautiful is, knowing that you are the reason behind it.懷疑某人的動機to impeach sb's motives維護某人的利益to safeguard a person...
[非正式用語]限制:限制某人特別是將某人限制在某處作為懲罰.Informal To restrict ( someone ) especially to a certain place as a punishment.一種暫時將某人變成巨型金絲雀的咒語.A temporary hex to change someone into a giant canary.將(某人[某事物])置于隔離的有限范圍內.His face was a gha...
向某人開火to fire a gun at sb向某人發(fā)出傳票to issue a summons against sb向某人接洽[商量、交涉]Approach sb. about sth....
“某人的”的英語可以翻譯為:someone's ...
和某人談心to have a heart-to-heart with sb我和某人唱二重唱.I sing with someone in duet.我知道她忍不住要將我和某人撮合到一塊兒。I knew she wouldn't be able to resist pairing me off with someone....
你欠某人一筆錢。You owe a certain person a sum of money.向警方舉報某人將獲重賞。There would be strong incentives to turn someone in.最美好的事,是看到某人的微笑;更美好的事,是TA因你而微笑。The most beautiful thing is to see a person smiling. And even more beautiful i...
對某人提起訴訟to initiate legal proceedings against sb對某人發(fā)出噓聲to blow a raspberry at sb我不想要它, 但它可能對某人有用.I don't want it, but it may be of use to someone....
使某人自慚形穢to make sb feel inferior傷風使某人失去 辨別 滋味的能力.A cold dulls sb.'s taste.試圖自殺時不小心使某人致死是一項可判處死刑的罪行.It is a capital offense to inadvertently kill someone while attempting suicide....