按這種方式使用的二極管叫做整流管.A diode used in this manner is called a rectifier.每條充電線路可容納容量為20―25安培的整流裝置.Rectifier units with a capacity of 20 to 25 amperes for each charging circuit are acceptable.產生平均值移動的過程叫做整流.The process of produ...
“整流管”的英語可以翻譯為:[醫(yī)] rectifying valves,rectifying tube,rectifying valve ...
導線的兩端聯(lián)接到裂環(huán)整流器.The two ends of the wire are connected to a split - ring commutator.同步 低頻 整流器與推挽整流器相似.The synchronized low - frequency rectifier is similar to a push - pull rectifier.低諧波 、 高功率因數 、 帶有濾波器件的整流器.Low harmonics,...
“整流”的英語可以翻譯為:ectification,commutation,rectifying,commutate,commute ...
“整流”的拼音為:zhěng liú...
“整流器”的英語可以翻譯為:commutator,rectifier,current rectifier,selenium rectifier ...
按這種方式使用的二極管叫做整流管.A diode used in this manner is called a rectifier.整流器;整流管:一種將交流電流轉化為直流電流的裝置, 如二極管.A device, such as a diode, that alternating current to direct current....