“感光性”的拼音為:gǎn guāng xìng...
“感光度”的拼音為:gǎn guāng dù...
寶麗來膠卷感光性非常強。Polaroid film is very sensitive.這塊感光板被降低了感光性.The photographic plate was desensitized.近期育成的大穗品種多有明顯的春性化、強感光性, 需要加以改進.But there were obvious spring and strong photoperiodism spike cultivars . These need to impr...
“感光”的英語可以翻譯為:[攝] sensitization,photoreception,photosensitive,sensitive ...
寶麗來膠卷感光性非常強。Polaroid film is very sensitive.這片子已經感光.This film has been exposed.眼是復雜而且高度精密的感光器官.The eye is a complex and highly developed photosensitive organ....
“感光性”的英語可以翻譯為:[植] [動] photonasty,photo-electric sensitivity,phototonus ...
在顯影液中某種試劑的作用下,已感光的鹵化銀可轉變成金屬銀.The exposed silver halide is then converted to metallic silver by an agent in the developer.易感光的膠片.Film that sensitive to light.檢測任何致過敏和致感光的潛在活性得到特別重視.A special attention was given to the det...
“感光的”的英語可以翻譯為:sensitive,[醫(yī)] photoesthetic,photoperceptive,photoreceptive ...
你用的膠卷感光度是多少?What's the speed of the film you're using?從理論上來講, 數碼相機的感光度越高,拍攝效果越好.Theoretically speaking, the higher sensitivity of digital camera to photograph the better.和我們用普通膠卷時的感光度差不多.And we use sensitivity ...
“感光”的拼音為:gǎn guāng...
“感光度”的英語可以翻譯為:[攝] speed,photosensibility,(light) sensitivity ...
產品包括傳統(tǒng)的感光版材、計算機直接制版 、 柔性印刷版等.Products include conventional sensitive plates , computer - to - plate, flexographic printing plates etc.這塊感光版太破以致不能印制.The plate is too worn to print.統(tǒng)計范圍包括熱敏版 、 免顯影版 、 紫外線感光版及藍紫色激光曝光版.Statis...