“唧唧聲”的英語可以翻譯為:chirp ...
屋外蟋蟀在唧唧叫.The crickets chirped outside the house.酸雨是有害于兩棲的動物,例如鯢 、 春天里唧唧叫的小動物和青蛙.Acid rain is harmful to amphibians such as salamanders, spring peepers, and frogs....
賽特笠在哼哼唧唧的忍受形容不出的苦楚.Sedley groaned in agonies which the pen refuses to describe.金光耀眼的長空中回蕩著鴿子唧唧咕咕的叫聲.The golden air was filled with the cooing of doves.他哼哼唧唧地訴說他受的委屈,又做出一副庇護她的樣子.He had alternately whined over his grievanc...
深草中秋蟲的唧唧聲,猶如最美妙的音樂.The chirping of the insects down in the long grass had been like the sweetest music.雄蟋蟀憑借前翅的磨擦發(fā)出唧唧聲.TYPICAL USE : Male crickets chirping noise by rubbing their front wings together.發(fā)出一串唧唧聲.To utter a s...
“唧唧”的拼音為:jī jī...
“唧唧叫”的英語可以翻譯為:chirr,reel ...