嬰兒吮吸時,會有更多的奶水流出來。As the baby suckles, a further supply of milk is generated.那個孩子正在吮吸著空奶瓶.The baby was sucking away at the empty feeding - bottle.嬰兒正在吮吸母乳.The baby was sucking its mother's breast....
蟲咬了我的手指頭, 還是你給我吮傷痕.When an insect bit my hand, you sucked the bad blood out." 我家的邦妮吮大拇指, 我怎么也制止不住她." My Bonnie sucks her thumb. I can't make her stop it. "一只雄雞引吮長鳴,驚破了黎明時的蒼穹.The long crow of rooster split the gray m...