不要等待好事降臨,你要向幸福進發(fā)。Do not wait for good things to happen to you. You need to walk towards happiness.如果皮膚發(fā)紅、瘙癢或脫皮,要向醫(yī)生咨詢。If your skin becomes red, sore or very scaly, consult your doctor.無跡象表明向客戶售出了不適用的保險。There is no sugges...
他拔出匕首轉身面向追他的人。He drew his dagger and turned to face his pursuers.她一下子轉身面向他,茶水濺了出來都沒注意到。She swung around to him, spilling her tea without noticing it.這個團體沒能說服他們再版專門面向女性的文學作品。The group wasn'table to interest them in r...
“向…”的英語可以翻譯為:[醫(yī)]ob- ...
護士需向醫(yī)生報告異常情況.The nurse must notify the doctor if the patient shows unusual symptoms.您需向我們提供真實的公司決策檔案復印件.Your providing us with a certified true copy of a corporate resolution.我們需向工業(yè)界提供他們負擔得起的電力.We need to provide industr...