有個(gè)嬰兒在教堂后部大聲啼哭。There was an infant squalling in the back of the church.往嬰兒的腦后部輕撩些水。Trickle water gently over the back of your baby's head.飛機(jī)的最后部the rearmost section of the aircraft...
他期望小腿后部的傷能夠及時(shí)復(fù)元.He expects to have recovered from his calf injury in time.視網(wǎng)膜是處于眼球后部的感官組織.The retina is the sense reteshow in back part of the eye.(汽車后部的)行李箱.Trumpeter, sound the charge!...
“后部”的拼音為:hòu bù...
“后部的”的英語可以翻譯為:hind,retral,tail ...
“后部”的英語可以翻譯為:the back of,hindside,rear,tail end,heel ...