“六書”的英語可以翻譯為:[語] the six categories of Chinese characters (self-explanatory characters, pictographs, pictophonetic characters, associative compounds, mutually explanatory characters and phonetic loan characters),Hexateuc...
“六角”的拼音為:liù jiǎo...
“十六”的拼音為:shí liù...
“木衛(wèi)六”的英語可以翻譯為:Himalia,Jupiter Ⅵ ...
一座六角的竹亭, 掩映在竹林之中.A hexagonal bamboo pavilion, hidden among the bamboo grove....
兩名法官和六名大眾陪審?fù)剖屡袥Q懷特終身監(jiān)禁。Two judges and six lay assessors sentenced White to life in prison.這支小交響樂隊與一群六弦提琴師同臺獻藝。The Sinfonietta shares the stage with a consort of viols.路邊某些地方的積雪有六英尺深。The snow along the roadside was six fee...
“六行詩”的英語可以翻譯為:hexastich ...
“六個”的英語可以翻譯為:six ...
第六學(xué)級學(xué)院在1962年還是新提法。The very idea of a sixth form college was novel in 1962.到11月22日,第六軍被包圍了。By 22nd November the Sixth Army was encircled.36次貨車已調(diào)到第六軌道上.Freight Train 36 has been shunted on to Track 6....
中國古代通過六書的方法造字.In ancient times, poets made lots of poems about parting and gave their expressions of parting....
“第六”的英語可以翻譯為:sixth ...
“六點”的英語可以翻譯為:six point,six o'clock,sice...
“六月”的英語可以翻譯為:June,the sixth month of the lunar year,the sixth moon,Jun ...
“六方碳”的英語可以翻譯為:lonsdaleite ...
魚池對面的六角亭子里又傳過一陣笑聲來.Across the pond, the pavilion echoed with another gust of laughter.將扳手套在靠近管道的六角螺栓頭上避免可能產(chǎn)生的變形.Apply wrench to hex next to pipe and guard against possible distortion.過橋有一亭, 名觀瀑亭, 六柱六角.The bridge there is...
“十六烷”的英語可以翻譯為:[化] hexadecane,cetane ...
交投最為活躍的六月交割的黃金合約上周五上漲7.70美元,至每盎司958.90美元, 漲幅0.8%.Gold for June delivery, the most actively traded contract , rose $ 7.70 , or 0.8 % , to $ 958.90....
“六氯苯”的英語可以翻譯為:[化] hexachlorobenzene,perchlorobenzene ...
“六放體”的英語可以翻譯為:oxyhexactine,hexactin ...
“第六”的拼音為:dì liù...
皮蘭德婁把他的戲劇命名為《六個尋找作者的劇中人》。Pirandello titled his play "Six Characters in Search of an Author"我已禁欲六個月。I've been celibate for the past six months.你需要四至六個星期的康復(fù)期。You need four to six weeks' convalescence....
“六面體”的英語可以翻譯為:hexahedron ...
在六方密排晶格中, 滑移系受到較多的限制.In the hexagonal close packed structure, slip systems are more limited.亦或標(biāo)志著六方馬拉松會談的失敗?Or does this mark the failure of the six - party marathon?你對六方會談的進展有何總體評論?What's your general comment on th...
“十六”的英語可以翻譯為:sixteen,ethal,cabasset,caroche,virginal ...
年屆六十的男人們和少年小伙們并肩作戰(zhàn)。Men aged 60 are fighting alongside young boys.他已六十多歲了, 可是還強壯得很.He is now well over sixty, but is still going strong.六十年代是神學(xué)上騷動的時代.The sixties were a time of theological ferment....
六分儀可用于航海和勘探中。Sextant can be used for exploration and navigation .另外的早期儀器還有六分儀和星盤.Other early instruments included the sextant and the astrolabe.六分儀曾經(jīng)在航海中扮演了重要角色.Sextant once played a very important role in navigation....
廚房的鐘六點十分了。It was ten past six by the kitchen clock.差四分六點。It's four minutes to six.列車將在六點鐘離開火車站.The train is departing from the railway station at 6 o'clock....
“六角形”的拼音為:liù jiǎo xíng...
107這個數(shù)用十六進制表示為6B。The number 107 is represented in hexadecimal as 6B.她十六歲,而智力年齡是五歲。She is sixteen but has a mental age of five.一座十六世紀的修道院的舊址the site of a sixteenth century abbey...