所有這些女性都是依次地共享一位共同的祖先, 所謂 的線粒體夏娃.All these women in turn shared a common ancestor, the so - called Mitochondrial Eve....
在城市廣場(chǎng)上,霓虹燈依次閃爍。In the city squares the neon lights flashed in turn.隨著男孩們依次答到,他在他們的名字旁打了鉤。As each boy said yes, he ticked their name.人們排成一列緩慢地依次走進(jìn)房間,并坐了下來。Slowly, people filed into the room and sat down....
“依次”的英語可以翻譯為:in proper order,successively,in proper sequence,devolution,in file ...
“依次”的近義詞/同義詞:順次, 順序, 挨次, 按序, 按次, 次第, 循序, 遞次, 依序。...
“依次”的拼音為:yī cì...