蘇格蘭低地the lowlands of Scotland堤防保護低地免于海水流入.Dikes protected the lowland from incursions of the sea.大雨淹沒了低地.Heavy rainfalls swamped the lowlands....
“低地”的英語可以翻譯為:low lands,lowland ...
“低地的”的英語可以翻譯為:low-lying,lowland ...
我喜歡蘇格蘭低地的風景.I like the Lowland landscapes.最后, 英語屬于低地的西日爾曼人的區(qū)域里的方言.Finally, it means English belongs with the dialects of the lowlands in the West Germanic area.低地的強降雨和洪水毀壞了冬天種植的小麥.Heavy rain and flooding in the lowlands ...
“ 晚安, " 馬車又起動時, 他低低地說." Good - night, " he whispered, as the cab rolled away.雨停了,但是陰云密布,低低地籠罩在頭上.The rain ceased but the clouds hung low and heavy overhead.等這篇冠冕堂皇的演說結(jié)束之后,福瑟琳格小姐低低地行了個屈膝禮.Miss Fotheringay made a low curts...