他現(xiàn)在正為酗酒付出沉重的代價(jià)。He drank too much and is paying dearly for it.公司在降低成本方面付出了艱苦卓絕的努力。The company has made heroic efforts at cost reduction.我還是認(rèn)為我能再稍微多付出一點(diǎn)兒。I still think I have a bit more to offer....
“付出”的拼音為:fù chū...
“付出”的近義詞/同義詞:支付, 支出, 支撥, 開(kāi)銷。...
“付出”的反義詞:收回, 收獲, 收入。...
他們可以驕傲地回首過(guò)去付出的努力。They can look back on their endeavours with pride.我們衷心感謝每一位幫助我們的人所付出的努力.We gratefully acknowledge the contributions of everyone who helped us.所得的快樂(lè)超過(guò)付出的辛勞.The joy overpays the toil....
“付出”的英語(yǔ)可以翻譯為:pay,expend,pay out ...