“人造”的拼音為:rén zào...
“人造”的反義詞:天然, 自然。...
“人造的”的英語可以翻譯為:artifical,artificial,factitial,imitated,ersatz ...
這件衣服不只含有羊毛,還含有大量的人造毛.The garment contains wool and a great deal of artificial wool.用于離型紙上不干膠與海綿 、 人造毛等復合.Is it do from type paper glue , sponge hair , etc. compound to use for....
黃油、人造黃油和多脂魚都含有豐富的維生素D。Butter, margarine, and oily fish are all good sources of vitamin D.作為食品配給制的一種遺留影響,他們總把黃油和人造黃油混在一起吃。As a hangover from rationing, they mixed butter and margarine.向日葵所制人造黃油的脂肪含量與黃油脂肪含量相同。Sunflower mar...
“人造革”的英語可以翻譯為:leatheroid,[化] artificial leather,leather cloth,leatherette ...
“人造”的英語可以翻譯為:man-made,artificial,imitation ...
人造絲比天然絲更易起皺 嗎 ?Does artificial silk crease more easily than natural silk?羊毛比人造絲厚實.Wool has more body than rayon.人造絲是僅次于棉花的使用得最廣泛的織物。Rayon rank second only to cotton as the most widely used fiber....
“人造毛”的英語可以翻譯為:[化] artificial wool ...
那些顯眼的人造物, 價值, 以及信仰不自覺地滑動到領(lǐng)域中.The conspicuous artifacts, values, and beliefs slip into the realm of the unconscious.它的機械積聚解放出了一種壓倒一切生活欲望的無限的人造物.Its mechanical accumulation liberates unlimited artificiality, in the face of...
漆布(人造皮): 裝訂用布料,經(jīng)砑光的染色膠料棉布.Leather - cloth: Cloth for bookbinding. A plasticated cotton that dyed - through and calendered.不, 它是人造皮.No, It's artificial leather.那是人造皮制造的,不夠柔軟和耐用.They are not as soft and durable....
那謠言經(jīng)追查是個壞人造的.The rumor has been traced back to a bad man.“ 梅表姐,雖然環(huán)境的關(guān)系很大, 但環(huán)境也是人造的. 我們又何嘗不可以改變環(huán)境?" Circumstances are certainly important, but why can't we change them? " Chueh - hui interjected heatedly.用戶界面是人造的, 并非...
“人造”的近義詞/同義詞:人工, 人為。...
“人造糖”的英語可以翻譯為:[醫(yī)] glutose ...
這人穿著一件人造革皮夾克.The man was wearing an imitation leather jacket.這雙皮鞋是人造革制成的, 并非真皮.This pair of leather shoes are made of artificial, not genuine leather.人造革或塑料的也可以. 不必非得是皮質(zhì)的.Vinyl or plastic would be fine. Doesn't have...
“人造絲”的英語可以翻譯為:[化] artificial silk,rayon ...
“人造物”的英語可以翻譯為:artificiality ...
“人造皮”的英語可以翻譯為:[機] artificial leather,Corfam,leatherette ...