The barbaric slaughter of whales is unnecessary and inhuman.對鯨的野蠻屠殺既不必要也不人道。He ventured the opinion that "whales are as intelligent as human beings".他大膽提出了“鯨與人類一樣聰明”的觀點。Whales belong among the mammals.鯨魚屬于哺乳動物....
n.鯨,鯨魚( whale的名詞復數(shù) )...
There are lots of marine mammals such as whales and seals in the sea.海洋里有許多諸如鯨魚和海豹類的海生哺乳動物。...their failure to sanction Japan for butchering whales in violation of international conservation treaties.對日本違反國際保護條約殘殺鯨魚的行為他們...