veto的近義詞/同義詞有:refuse, deny, denial, refusal, refuse, deny, negative, no, prohibit, inhibit。vt.veto的近義詞(否決;禁止;反對):refuse, deny。veto的近義詞(其他釋義):denial, refusal, refuse, deny, negative, no, prohibit, inhibit。...
A: The President vetoes a bill.答: 總統(tǒng)可以否決國會通過的法案....
The veto has been a traditional instrument of diplomacy for centuries.幾個世紀以來否決權(quán)一直是外交上慣用的手段。An override of the veto appears unlikely.看來推翻這項否決的可能性很小。The veto was a calculated political risk.這項否決是一次精心策劃的政治冒險。...
Even here a red Lamborghini Diablo sports car attracts covetous stares.即便在這兒,蘭博基尼的紅色迪亞博羅跑車也會招來垂涎的目光。A poor man wants some things , a covetous man all things.窮人需求不多,財迷想要一切.She is envious of Jane's good looks and cove...
n.否決權(quán),否認權(quán)( veto的名詞復(fù)數(shù) ),行使否決權(quán)...
De Gaulle vetoed Britain's application to join the EEC.戴高樂駁回了英國加入歐洲經(jīng)濟共同體的申請。The president vetoed the bill, and the Senate failed by a single vote to override his veto.總統(tǒng)否決了該議案,而參議院以一票之差未能推翻他的否決。The suggestion went t...
As covetousness is the root of all evil, so poverty is the worst of all snares.正如貪婪是萬惡之源一樣, 貧窮是最壞的陷阱.Poverty want many thing, but covetousness all.貧窮可滿足;欲望卻難填.Covetousness is the mother of ruin and mischief.貪婪帶來不幸,貪婪導(dǎo)致毀滅...
Mother put a veto on our stayingout late.母親不允許我們在外面呆到很晚才回來。There have been threats to veto any legislation that comes down the pike.他們威脅說要否決任何新出臺的立法提案。The veto has been a traditional instrument of diplomacy for centuries...
The suggestion went to the highest level and was vetoed.這一建議提交到最高層后,被否決.The president vetoed the bill, and the Senate failed by a single vote to override his veto...總統(tǒng)否決了該議案,而參議院以一票之差未能推翻他的否決。De Gaulle vetoed Britain...
He raised his head, with a look of unrestrained greed in his covetous eyes.他抬起頭來, 一對貪婪的眼光露出饞涎欲滴的神情.Even here a red Lamborghini Diablo sports car attracts covetous stares.即便在這兒,蘭博基尼的紅色迪亞博羅跑車也會招來垂涎的目光。She is envious of Jan...