The report criticises the newspaper for sensationalism.這篇報道批評了報紙嘩眾取寵的作風(fēng)。He took great pains to write on his subject without a trace of sensationalism.他盡力不帶一絲嘩眾取寵的色彩來寫作他的題材。The tabloids relied on sensationalism to maintai...
the sensationalism of the popular press為大眾服務(wù)的新聞界所使用的聳動視聽的做法The tabloids relied on sensationalism to maintain their circulation.那份小報以危言聳聽來保持其銷路.He took great pains to write on his subject without a trace of sensationalism...
Experts agreed that this was a truly sensational performance.專家們一致認為這的確是一場精彩絕倫的演出。It is only the sensational that sells news magazines.只有轟動性的事件才能促進新聞雜志的銷售。Her voice is sensational.她的嗓音非常動聽。...
Her voice is sensational...她的嗓音非常動聽。...a sensational book in which she damns the ultra-right party.她在其中大力鞭撻該極右黨派的聳人聽聞的書Their performance was sensational.他們的演出妙極了。Gazza was in irresistible form, and Shearer and Teddy Sher...
sensational的近義詞/同義詞有:exciting, marvelous, glorious, wonderful, magnificent, superb, startling, exquisite, glorious, magnificent, tremendous, emotional, yellow, lurid, spectacular, wonderful, theatrical, exquisite, terrif...