What drew him to the area was its proximity to central London.吸引他到該地區(qū)的原因是那里靠近倫敦市中心。Families are no longer in close proximity to each other.各家不再像以前一樣比鄰而居。He became aware of the proximity of the Afghans.他意識(shí)到阿富汗人近在咫尺。...
She at last condescended to evince awareness of his proximity.最后她才紆貴屈尊地表示出她注意到他在旁邊.What drew him to the area was its proximity to central London.吸引他到該地區(qū)的原因是那里靠近倫敦市中心。He became aware of the proximity of the Afghans...他意識(shí)到...