
阿卡英語 / 查找:pounced” [共找到4條結果]
  • pounced是什么意思?

    v.突然襲擊( pounce的過去式和過去分詞 ),猛撲,一眼看出,抓住機會(進行抨擊)...
  • pounced造句

    The stationmaster pounced and wrestled the gun from him.站長猛撲過去,奮力奪下他手中的槍。He pounced on the photographer, beat him up and smashed his camera.他突然撲向攝影師,痛打了他一頓,還摔碎了他的照相機。As soon as I opened my mouth, the teacher pounced on m...
  • pounced造句

    The stationmaster pounced and wrestled the gun from him.站長猛撲過去,奮力奪下他手中的槍。He toddled over and pounced on the chicken.他蹣跚走來,伸手猛抓小雞.Before I could get the pigeon the cat pounced.未等我逮到鴿子,貓就猛撲了上去。'That's much too su...
  • pounced的音標
