
阿卡英語 / 查找:personage” [共找到9條結果]
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  • personages造句

    It is surprising how soon historical personages became invested with romantic attributes.令人驚奇的是歷史人物很快就帶有傳奇的色彩....Shakespeare's famous personages.莎士比亞筆下的著名人物Amongst the bridal train , the two most noticeable personag...
  • personages造句

    It is surprising how soon historical personages became invested with romantic attributes.令人驚奇的是歷史人物很快就帶有傳奇的色彩.Her one baby - voice served a multitude of imaginary personages, old and young, to talk withal.她用自己一人的童音扮作想象中的...
  • personage例句

    She is stately in personage.她儀容端莊.He is fast becoming a personage.他很快成為名人.How that personage haunted my dreams, I need scarcely tell you.大家不用我說也能想象到,這個“獨腿水手”是如何在夢里折磨我的....
  • personages是什么意思

    n.人,(尤指)要人,名人( personage的名詞復數 ),顯貴...
  • personage造句

    En enigmatical personage about whom little was known, except that he was a man the world.西銳登是一位為英國增光的偉大的演說家,繼承他這所房子的??讼壬鷧s是一位令人捉摸不透的人物.She is stately in personage.她儀容端莊.How that personage haunted my dreams, I need scarcel...